venerdì 30 settembre 2016

TOP (Thesis)

Looking for internet, I'm facing with "toptesi" LaTeX package. Me, as someone, has some issue on building a .tex file based on toptesi package.

I remember that this package is present in MiKTeX full distribution. My problem was that, when I tried to build a .tex file example, I get the following error:

File `toptesi.cls' not found.

"toptesi" package files are organized in this way in the MiKTeX installation folder:

source\latex\toptesi\ --> it contains .dtx and .tex files
doc\latex\toptesi\ --> it contains .pdf files
tex\latex\toptesi\ --> it contains .cnf, .cls, .sty files and several universities logos

In our case, obviously, in the tex\latex\toptesi\  folder, .cls file is not present. Moreover, the folder "toptesi" in source\latex\ does not exist.

To solve this problem, download the "toptesi" package from:

In this archive there is a .dtx file. Copy this .dxt file to tex\latex\toptesi\. Then, open it as Administrator with TeXworks application (or also WinEdt, Led, TeXnicCenter, TeXmaker) and click on Composition (the green play button). As result, you will get different TeX files as .cls, .sty, .cnf in the same folder of .dtx file that you compiled. If you continue to get error, try to move these files to the same folder of your Latex project.

Now try to open a toptesis example .tex file. It should work. I tested this method with TeXwork.

If it gives you error like

! LaTeX Error: File `logouno' not found.

it means only that a logo file of university inside our .tex file is not in the same folder of our .tex example. Only copy and paste it in the same folder. E N J O Y

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