I will return to study, to take these exams and maybe to pull the plug for one month. But thit is also the time of
Uhm... Project... thinking...
15 June, with a my friend I will attend a project about... What? ... Eh... I can't speak/tell/say/etc!
Okok I S P E A K
Development of software for mobile devices! With C# (Some people think that C# is s**t -.- Idiots! The most important thing is TO MAKE THE FINAL PRODUCT FOR USERS!)
Apart the hacktivism, I know C language, the next year I will know Assembler, Java and others (for study), but now I have to learn C#. I will must to make about three projects for Microsoft in three months. I have a lot of ideas :D so I will make more of three projects, but for now it is all a SECRET
The thing that I appreciate is the possibility to increase my experience with a GREAT Company, so I have to "exploit" this opportunity. I hope to give THE BEST OF ME!
Thanks very much Microsoft
Windows 1.0: Good joke, eh?
Windows 2.0: Still funny, isn't it?
Windows 286: Yeah, we're still kidding.
Windows 386: Going boldly where Desqview has been for years.
Windows 3.0: It's finally worth buying!
Windows 3.1: It's finally worth using!
Windows 95: Going boldly where the Mac has been for years.
Windows 98: More usable! Less stable!
Windows 98SE: More stable! Less usable!
Windows ME: Less usable AND less stable!
NT 1.0: Give me more hardware! NOW!!!
NT 2.0: Dammit, I said MORE HARDWARE!!! NOW!!!!
NT 3.0: Which part of "more hardware" do you not understand?
NT 3.5: With enough hardware, I'd work. Honest.
NT 4.0: Does less than Win98 with twice the hardware at one-half the
Windows 2K: Works almost as well as Windows 98! Honest!
Windows XP: It just works.
Windows Vista: Wow starts Now.
Windows 7: Life without Walls.
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