mercoledì 18 settembre 2013


Today, I took a LOOK to

I2P is a free software and Open Source to the realization of a ANONYMOUS NETWORK.
Here, all data are wrapped with different levels of encryption.
I2P is a a level of anonymous communication PEER-TO-PEER distribuited, designed to perform any traditional web service (Usenet, E-mail, IRC, file sharing, Web hosting e HTTP, Telnet).
It is also in beta version, so not also able to strong anonymous use.

By I2P, is possible to access to "Eepsite", that are websites hosted into this anonymous network I2P. Usually, these websites end with .i2p

Other "new friends" are EepProxy, that is a program that manages all communication between browser and every eepsite. It works as a proxy server that can be used by whatever browser web.
Other friends are PEERS, that are other users or applications that use I2P and that are connected to you into the network. Every machine into the network shares routing and transmission of encrypted packets.


SO! Now I explain HOW to install this software

First of all, go here and download the latest version of i2p for your OS. The installation is simple.

Now SEE:  in Windows, in Start/All programs/I2P we have 3 files: I2P Router Console, that checks if we started the connection to I2P Network; Start I2P (no window) and Start I2P (restartable), that starts the connection to I2P Network.
After this, in Windows, to avoid authorization problems, we click on one of two Start I2P, but Run as
Administrator (otherwise it can give error into console)... Or we start CMD as Administrator, position on C:\Program Files\i2p (default path), and type:
i2psvc.exe -c wrapper.config

Done this, let's wait some minute that the connection starts. After this, automatically, our browser opens and reminds us to CONSOLE ROUTER I2P

This is at the address:
To work into I2P Network, now we must download FoxyProxy (or another manager) for our browser. In this way, we can switch from default connection to I2P connection
Downloaded FoxyProxy, and possibly restarting our browser, click with left of mouse FoxyProxy Icon, and click on New Proxy. Appears a window... Type like this:

Click on OK, then Close, and so, when you want to surf with I2P Network, click with right of mouse on FoxyProxy Icon, and click on Use "localhost:4444" for all Url.

For a Video Tutorial (NOT MINE):
Note: When you surf on I2P, we can connected with Eepsite, and also with normal websites... BUT in Google and Facebook (and others) doesn't 


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