mercoledì 18 settembre 2013

Hack This Site: Basic Mission 3

Click here: LEVEL 3
I remember that here I write SPOILERS!
I RECOMMEND to win the level alone, using also Google for Theory of arguments

"Some intuition is needed to find the location of the hidden password file.
Requirements: Basic HTML knowledge" 

Reading the text of Level 3, it says that NS Sam uploaded the password file... But initially Sam thinks that we are STUPID F**K*NG! NO!
The lesson to give to Sam, is:
Remember that you do in Level 1...
Go to Source Page... Scroll down until

Note that we have a file .php called "password.php".

Sam didn't protected that file .php, so we can access to that file simply by url, typing in the url bar:

===============> HTS: Basic Mission 4

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