sabato 29 giugno 2013

Volume 0%

Today I had problems about

I resolved! So I show here HOW:

Surfing on Network, I saw that several people had issues about Audio on project in Adobe AE. Issues were:

- Slow audio during RAM Preview: I resolved thinking that the frame rate in Composition Settings MUST BE THE SAME of frame rate near RAM Preview (I advise it must be both 30)

-Saving a Video: It may happen that during saving a Video, audio is MUTE! 0%! SILENT! Then video is jerky!!  This is a problem about codecs. To resolve, when you save a video by rendering, as output module you have to choose QuickTime or H.264 (like me)...

As student of Computer Engineering, I want also to handle Adobe After Effects! In fact, I am preparing a good project...

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